PC Minutes 01/16


On Thursday 14th January 2016 @ 7.30pm


 Julia Phebey, Geoff Jenkins, Sarah Williams, Sheila Gibbins, Tony Dodd

 Also: ABC Councillor Stephen Dehnel

Apologies: None

Also present:  3 members of the public

1. Minutes  

The minutes of the last meeting were previously read and agreed. 

2. Matters arising

Village Green Parking – The final transfer is still in progress

Flooding & Roads –

Richard Highgate telephoned GJ and after being informed that the situation with our roads had not improved, agreed to go out with our local highways officer (Darren Anderson) and review the problems

Potholes Knockwood Lane were supposed to be repaired on 22nd December 2015, this work was not affected.

Village Plan – At the KALC meeting on 13Jan16, it was reported that village development plans undertaken by some parishes were far too detailed and the time take to prepare them was not necessary. Molash are still to ascertain it’s exact boundaries.

3. Planning

No new applications received.

Foodari vehicle movements – ABC Planning officer and KCC are attempting to arrange a meeting with Foodari to discuss their misunderstanding of the conditions stipulated in the terms of their planning consent. SD asked MPC how flexible the parish is to meeting increased traffic levels, MPC responded – no more than already permitted. Camera surveillance – another camera required – SD to look into a possible use of the community fund for this.

4. Correspondence

Ashford Mediation Service – available free to residents. Poster to be put on the two village notice boards.

Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2013-30. Consultation process opened to invite “comments related to matters of legal compliance and soundness”.

The Forester – more information has been received from Challock PC with regard to the production costs and more is being sought.

5. Any other Business

Still no money received from Chilham Nursing Association

Broadband – SD provided a summary of the increase broadband width attained in the region and those hoped for in the near future. PC advised that any modifications done on the exchange in Challock would also benefit the residents of Molash (not as previously thought), but the service will diminish as the user gets further away from the exchange.

Council Tax.SD – ABC council tax is the lowest in the county. The KCC element is set to increase by 3.99% this year, 2% of which is to help fund care for the elderly. ABC will increase their portion by 1.99%. These increases will see bills for a band D property rise by about £100 pa. SD asked, bearing in mind that ABC had kept it’s CT to a minimum through prudent housekeeping, how CT payers felt about these increases. The opinion was that, as long as there is no wastage of funds, residents would not object to reasonable increases that demonstrated value for money.

Highways England – SD informed of to ongoing consultations in the area:

The proposed lorry park at Stanford to ease the effects of Operation Stack.
M20 Junction 10a – new junction 700m east of the existing junction 10 to aid with the flow of traffic down to the trading estates.


Refugee Families – ABC is to accept 20 families into the borough, they are to be housed in private rented accommodation funded by central government. The first families have already arrived.

Community Grant – SD will send the forms to the PC. This is to find projects for community use (not for MPC use). A village information board was suggested.

Precept – the 2015/16 funds raised were £4000. The Chair reported that this was sufficient also for this coming year, there is a small surplus for unexpected costs.

KALC meeting 13th January 2016. The main topics discussed were the Stanford lorry park and the Village plan – both topics covered in this meeting earlier.


The meeting closed at 9.00 pm

Next meeting 11th February 2016 at 7.30pm


   Molash website: www.molashpc.kentparishes.gov.uk

























































































Molash website: www.molashpc.kentparishes.gov.uk