PC Minutes 02/15

5th February 2015 @ 7.30pm
Julia Phebey, Geoff Jenkins, John Sudworth, Sarah Williams, Ray Loftus
Also present: Cllr. D Marriott & one local resident
1. Minutes
The minutes of the last meeting (8th January) were read and agreed.

2. Matters arising
Molash garage – RL reported that Highways have advised that the footway
across the garage entrance will be repaired and made safe. They will liaise
with the garage owner regarding the most convenient time to do the work.
Land Registry – No news
Complaint ABC – JS reported that the letter of complaint has just been sent to
Oliver Peel, ABC.
Recycling bin – Outstanding.
Puddleduck Farm – RL reported that letter from Richard Alderton has been
received stating that the correct procedure was followed by Planning when
granting building permission. However, the service standard behaviour of a
Planning Officer  was unsatisfactory in this case and the Officer’s
performance would now be monitored. Council agreed that this was a most
unsatisfactory outcome as the permission was granted without providing
further evidence to Council that had been requested.
Speed Indicator Device – JP advised that the trimming and removal of trees
had been completed. To check if a larger capacity battery could be provided.
Cheque signatories – JS to obtain the required forms from the bank.
Drainage issues – GJ reported that the drainage problems at: Shottenden
Lane, (drain cover), Nut Trees, soakaway in the grounds of Northdown House
are still under investigation while the issue at “Bob Dip” in Shottenden Lane
was being programmed for work. Cllr. Marriott suggested that Council involve
David Brazier on the grounds of health & safety.

3. Planning
Foodari – Council discussed the road damage being caused to Knockwood
Lane by the vehicles involved with Foodari. It was suggested that this is not a
reason to object to the application if the vehicles’ wheels do not overhang the
road surface. There was some confusion regarding where the 6’6” width
restriction is measured from and to where.
JS offered to write to Planning asking what consequences could arise on this

4. Any Other Business
Elections – RL advised that nomination forms should be available from mid-
Annual Village Meeting – Thursday 16th April agreed as the date for the
meeting. Local organisations, Councillors etc. to be notified.
KALC report – GJ informed council that 21 members attended the meeting
where the Community Resilience & Emergency Planning group also attended.
KCC have agreed to provide parishes in the Caretaker scheme with
Parish Forum report – RL reported that the forum received 2 presentations.
The Clinical Commissioning Group discussed their work with health forums in
Ashford to meet local residents’ health care needs and a representative from
ABC discussed the caretaker scheme. Forms/maps were distributed to those
present showing areas in their parish that ABC currently has responsibility for
grounds maintenance. It was requested that parishes study the forms and
complete and return to show other areas where parishes take responsibility.
Interacting with parish council – JS suggested that parishioners should be
made aware of how to interact with council and the protocols involved in that.
Agreed to write an article for the Forester.
Parish election – RL informed council that he would not be standing for
nomination in the May elections. He was retiring after serving from October
2000 when the council was formed.

The meeting closed at 10pm.
Next meeting on Thursday 5th March at 7.30 pm