PC Minutes 03/15

5th March 2015 @ 7.30pm
Julia Phebey, Geoff Jenkins, John Sudworth, Sarah Williams, Ray Loftus
Also present: Cllr. D Marriott
1. Minutes
The minutes of the last meeting (5th February) were read and agreed.

2. Matters arising
Land registry – JP has made an application for registering the parking area to MPC but a response shows the strip of land is not registered. Seeking to identify the actual site area to be able to register it.
Recycling bin – JP contacted ABC who says they will look into removing it.
Speed Indicator Device – As the tree cutting has improved the performance of the device it was decided not to replace the battery with a larger one. The performance will be monitored.
Ground maintenance form – RL reported that he has completed the form on behalf of MPC and returned it to ABC.
Interacting with parish council – JS to draft a short article for publication in the Forester.
Drainage issues – GJ reported that the “Bob Dip” issue has been resolved but others are outstanding. To chase Highways again.

3. Planning
Foodari – The outcome of the Planning Committee meeting held on the 4th March was discussed. Committee permitted the application but imposed conditions. Council agreed on further actions to monitor the situation and Foodari’s adherence to the conditions.
Oathill Farm – Council supported the application to erect garages and storage shed.

4. Any Other Business
Annual village meeting – Arrangements for the meeting on Thursday 16th April were discussed.
Parish Council Election – It was agreed to actively seek applications for the position on Parish Councillor in the forthcoming election.

The meeting closed at 9.50 pm
Next meeting on Thursday 2nd April at 7.30 pm
Molash website: www.molashpc.kentparishes.gov.uk