PC Minutes 04/15

2nd April 2015 @ 7.30pm
Julia Phebey, Geoff Jenkins, John Sudworth, Sarah Williams, Ray Loftus
Also present: Cllr. D Marriott & 5 members of the public
1. Minutes
The minutes of the last meeting (5th march) were read and agreed.
2. Matters arising
Land registry – The title number is still not identified. JP to speak to agent Tim
Freeman for help.
Recycling bin – ABC still not responded to request to remove the bin.
Interacting with MPC – Council discussed the draft and agreed a final version.
To be printed in the Forester and placed in notice boards.
Drainage issues – GJ reported that “Nut Trees” issue is still being
investigated; a manhole cover in Shottenden Lane is still protruding onto the
highway but coned off. Potholes in Shottenden Lane/Shottenden Road have
been reported to Highways who have stated they will be repaired in the new
financial year.
Foodari – The conditions attached to the approved plans were discussed and
it was agreed to keep monitoring the situation.
3. Planning
No new applications received.
4. Any Other Business
Annual village meeting – Final arrangements for the meeting were discussed.
JP/SW to arrange refreshments.
KALC meeting – GJ reported on the meeting which had 24 attendees
representing 19 Parishes.
NHW meeting – GJ reported on the meeting he attended.
Parking issues – residents of “The Boma” have complained of vehicles being
parked so as to block their driveway and make access difficult. Some large
vehicles have also driven across the village green edges because some
vehicles have parked poorly. Council discussed and agreed: i) Speak to local
residents and compose a letter from Council describing the issues ii) obtain
estimates for producing road signs to be placed by the parking area stating
the area is for use by residents and ask to park considerately iii) contact
Highways for assistance.
Molash village road signs – RL reported that the new signs to include wording
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty are ready for production. Council
reaffirmed decision to contribute £400.
Parish Clerk conference/training – It was agreed to finance 1 place at the
event on 17th June at £72.00.
Village plan – the need to design a village plan was briefly discussed. Agreed to discuss again when the new Council is formed. RL to email the Parish Wish List to councillors.
Churchyard – It was agreed for Council to fund the first new grass cut at £100.00.
Village green – It was agreed for Council to pay £40 to a volunteer to maintain the green.
Borough Councillor – Cllr Marriott announced his intention to not stand for re-election in the next election on 7th May. Council thanked him for his support in office and wished him well for the future.
The meeting closed at 9.10 pm
Next meeting on Thursday 14th May @ 7.30 pm. This meeting will be the first one for the new Council.
Molash website: www.molashpc.kentparishes.gov.uk