PC Minutes 05/15


11th May 2015@ 7.30pm

Attendees: Ray Loftus, Julia Phebey, Geoff Jenkins, Sarah Williams, Tony Dodd, Sheila Gibbins


Also present:

The new Parish Council : Julia Phebey, Geoff Jenkins, Sarah Williams,

Tony Dodd, Sheila Gibbins; signed their acceptance forms and completed

the Disclosable Pecuniary Interests forms.

A new Chairman was appointed:  Julia Phebey and a new Vice Chairman:

Sarah Williams

Ray Loftus (exiting Chairman) handed over files.


The minutes of the last meeting (2nd April 2015) were read and agreed and the new Council formally thanked RL for all his work over the years.


Matters arising                                                                                                                 Action

Land Registry:  title number identification still ongoing                                 JP

Recycling bin – ABC still not responding to request to remove

Bin                                                                                                                                    JP

Drainage: Emails were sent to Andrew Wickham of KCC regarding

Flooding outside Nut Trees and the broken drain in Shottenden Lane.  Awaiting response.    

It was reported that a similar flooding problem has been noted outside

Little Guzzles.                                                                                                    SW/GJ

Parking Issues @ The Boma:  Council discussed the draft of a letter          

to all the residents that park by the Green and agreed a final version.

A copy was posted out to all the Residents with a copy Mr. & Mrs. Wethered of The Boma                                                                                  JP

Village Plan:  The need for a village plan was discussed.  Deadline dates are to be checked.                                                                                                         SW

Any other Business

SW reported seriously lax security at some houses whilst delivering

leaflets.  Putting a note in the Forester to remind residents of the importance of security was discussed.                                                                       SW

The meeting closed at 9.45 pm

Next meeting to be held on Thursday 4th June 2015

Molash website: www.molashpc.kentparishes.gov.uk