PC Minutes 07/16


On Thursday 13th July 2016 @ 7.30pm


 Julia Phebey, Sarah Williams, Tony Dodd


Also present:  Stephen Dehnel (ABC Councillor) and six members of the public

1. Minutes  

The minutes of the last meeting were read and agreed.  

2. Matters arising

Village Green Parking – A plan of the site has been forwarded to Rachel Fawson to be passed onto mortgage company. Residents Only parking signs to be purchased.

Flooding & Roads – Knockwood Lane – repairs should be completed by the end of July. Church Lane, A252 and Tower Farm are all still flooding.

Defibrillator – is being installed in the porch tomorrow.

Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebration – There were 70 guests at the party and everyone reported having a very enjoyable time.

3. Planning

There has been a new planning application submitted by Foodari, who are based at Howletts Farm, Knockwood Lane. “Variation to conditions 5 & 7 on planning permission 14/01326/AS to allow 40 HGV movements to and from the site per week and additional external lighting”. ABC reference 16/01013/AS. The condition as it stands is 3 HGV movements per day, Monday to Friday. The new request does not seek to impose a daily limit and to include Saturdays. Molash Parish Council will be objecting to this application, as will all the members of the public in attendance, and already some others have. SD was challenged on this application and his views sought. He said that he would request that this application is not decided under the delegated powers option by the planning department, but be referred for decision to the next planning committee meeting. At this meeting representatives from Molash will be given the opportunity to voice their concerns publically. The general consensus in the room was that Foodari had outgrown the site and should seek a more appropriate location for a growing transport based operation

4. Correspondence

Agenda received for the Planning Committee 20 July 2016
Notification of a Boundary Commission review. The aim is to ensure that each elected borough councillor “represents around the same number of voters and the specific interests and identities of local communities with those wards”.
2016 ABC Building Design Awards – nominations sought.
KSCP (Kentish Stour Countryside Partnership)  Annual review
Minutes of the 15th June Planning Committee
Local Plan to 2030 – deals with the building land supply to 2030 to enable 12,200 houses to be built in the borough. The construction of J10a and a large distribution centre. Redevelopment of the town centre. The full review is available for viewing in the Civic Centre, Ashford Gateway Plus, Charing Library, Wye Library and in Tenterden

5. Any other Business

SD informed the meeting of the new Elwick Place development, which will join up with the civic centre. All office space has been let.
Sewerage Charges for ex-council properties. JP has written to ABC but no definitive answers have been received. The bills include expenditure of a capital nature and estimated electricity charges. Historical charge data is being sought from the householders concerned.


The meeting closed at 8.40 pm

Next meeting Thursday 11th August  2016 at 7.30pm

Molash website: www.molashpc.kentparishes.gov.uk