PC Minutes 09/14


 4th September 2014 @ 7.30pm

Attendees:  Julia Phebey, Geoff Jenkins, John Sudworth, Sarah Williams, Ray Loftus

 Apologies: Cllr D Marriott

 Also present: One member of the public

1. Minutes  

 The minutes of the last meeting (7th August) were read with one amendment made to item 2, recycling. 2015 was amended to 2014. The minutes were then agreed. 

 2. Matters arising

Molash garage – RL to speak to the owner and Highways regarding inconsiderate parking of customers cars on the forecourt.

 Garden waste bins – GJ reported that there were no more problems reported concerning waste collection

 Puddleduck Farm – There has not been any response from ABC Planning regarding the request for financial scrutiny of the planning application.

 3. Planning

The Boma, Pound Lane application 14/00988/. Council agreed to support the application but with a request to add the condition that the building will not be turned into living accommodation in the future.

 Harbour Farm, Knockwood Lane application 14/01069. Council agreed to support the application but asked for clarification regarding the submission that no trees/hedges would be removed.

 4. Financials

Council agreed to donate £300.00 to the Air Ambulance service. Cheque signed at the meeting.

 5. Land registration

JP reported that Land Registry confirmed that the vehicle lay-by in Pound Lane has to have ownership registered to Molash PC. JP to speak to current landowner.

 6. Response to Planning Dept service

Council agreed to complain to Martin Vink at ABC Planning regarding the officer’s handling of the Knockwood kennels application. JS to draft the letter.

  7. Chilham Nursing Association

SW reported that Tessa Wheeler from the Association has proposed it is wound-up as there have not been any calls made on its financial holdings. It holds approximately £2000.00 in hand. A suggestion has been made to distribute the monies to associated Parishes to spend on defibrillators. SW to follow-up.

 8. Any Other Business

Parish road signs – Council voted 3/2 to pay £400.00 towards two new signs bearing the AONB wording.


The meeting closed at 9.05 pm

Next meeting on Thursday  2nd October